Sensorial activities for children

The sensorial activities allows the children to form new concepts through experience and exercise. Sensorial training should be carefully monitored so the children learn things one step at a time and at their own pace, gradually moving on to more complicated tasks.

Botany lesson

Now that we are lucky in Dublin with this sunny days is a very good idea in my opinion teach and introduce the children lessons about botany: plants, flowers and trees are an important part of the child’s everyday environment

Fine arts in early years.

Arts and Crafts Sometimes around the age of three and a half or four, children begin to give names to the marks they are making.

Language in early years

A child’s emerging reading and writing skills before they are able to read or write independently for example, scribbling/drawing, identifying, naming and sounding letters.

Nature inspire children

I am studying Montessori method at the moment and I believe that we should use nature to inspire children, Maria Montessori continually suggested that teachers take the children out into nature, rather than keeping them confined in the classroom.