On today’s World Autism Awareness Day we’d like to focus and give special attention to all those parents who are going through tough times due to different children’s disorders.
As you all probably know, Autism is the name for a extensive spectrum which involves several characteristics which can go from struggling with load noises to not like to being touched by anybody in some cases.
As a Special Needs Assistant in a National Irish School in North Dublin I’d like to search with all you how important is to understand this disorder and to sympathies with these kids.
Under of autism child’s eyes:
- I like to be given my own space and time to do things
- I like when you show them pictures of the activity or action is coming next
- I like to follow a routine
- I like when you are calm and patience, is essential for me
- I like to follow the same steps it makes me to feel safe and secured.
I love Sensorial activities such as a ….
- Shaving foam.
- Trays with pasta, rice, noodles all different textures.
- Composed trays with different hidden objects for them to be found.
- Hand paint.
- Bubble wrap.
- Corn flour mixed with water.
- I like play dough,
- I like sensory bottles.
- I like sand play.
- Yoga and lots of outdoor activities!
From Elisa Babysitting we know how important is to give special support to all those parents who need a little break and rest from time to time offering our best caring services, that’s why our babysitters are not only fully trained on Special Needs but also strongly aware of the real necessities of these children who deserve to be treated as everybody else, with kindness and respect.